Habitat & Species
Water Quality
Aquatic habitat and species within the Peel sub-basin are undergoing moderate change. This assessment is based on observations of changes in the abundance and health condition of some fish and furbearer species as reported by Indigenous communities, as limited scientific data was found for Arctic fish stocks. Traditional harvesters have observed fish species that were formerly not present in the Peel sub-basin, along with an increase in pike (Esox lucius) populations. Stocks of some species are in decline, including some preferred salmonid species, although traditional harvesters generally describe healthy fish populations in the Peel sub-basin. Reports of less healthy fish with “softer” flesh and abnormalities have been made in recent years. In some areas, a rise in otter (Lutra canadensis) and beaver (Castor canadensis) populations alongside a significant decline in muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) populations has been documented, attributed in part to declines in habitat quality for muskrats and increasing competition between furbearer species. Indigenous Knowledge and scientific observations of changes in wetland cover or riparian forests in the sub-basin were not found.
The following table summarizes the availability of information for each Habitat and Species indicator.
Signs and Signals | Indigenous Knowledge Information and Data | Indigenous Knowledge Availability in Public Sources1 | Information and Data | Science Data Availability2 |
Fish | Oral histories and local observations of fish abundance, timing and distribution, species diversity and fish health condition. | Many observations from several locations | Fish (including salmon, suckers, pickerels, burbot) abundance, timing and distribution, species diversity and fish health condition. | Limited data on fish stocks. |
Wetlands | Oral histories and stories of wetland and forest (and other habitat / land use) | Some observations from few locations. | Number, location and total area of wetlands. Species diversity in wetlands where available. | Limited information on wetland cover and no information on change over time. |
Riparian Forests | Local observations and oral histories of riparian forests | No information found. | Number, location, total area of riparian forests areas. Species diversity of riparian forests where available. | No data found. |
1 Qualifiers for the availability of local and Indigenous Knowledge observations in publicly available sources: Limited = 1-2 observations; Some = 3-4 observations; Many = 5 or more observations
2 Qualifiers for the availability of science data in publicly available sources: Low = Individual studies or locations; Many = Network of monitoring stations across the basin
Changes in fish populations and health condition have been observed by Indigenous communities in the Peel sub-basin.
Dog (chum) salmon is one of the newly-observed fish species in the lower Peel watershed. Image source: Alaska Region U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service via Flickr Creative Commons (copyright-free).
Salmon fishing by members of Nacho Nyak Dun First Nation has decreased in recent years in response to observed declines in preferred salmonid species. A preliminary scientific assessment of fisheries in the Peel River watershed in 2006 documented 24 fish species, including highly valued sport and subsistence fish, such as Dolly Varden char (Salvelinus malma), chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) and various types of whitefish. This report concluded that little development of any kind has impacted the Peel River watershed and, from a fish habitat perspective, it can therefore be considered nearly “pristine”.
Over the last several years, perceptions of the salmon declining in the Stewart River has been a major issue leading to a ban on salmon harvest in 2014-15,
There were a number of concerns about the health of fish that were being caught in both the Mackenzie and Peel Rivers,
Dolly Varden is a protected species that has a limited number of locations that are key for spawning and overwintering. Populations have declined over the past few decades in the Peel River sub-basin. Image source: Alaska Region U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service via Flickr Creative Commons (copyright-free).
Wetlands & Riparian Forests
There is minimal wetland cover in the Peel sub-basin, and information on changes over time in wetlands in the Peel sub-basin is also limited. Indigenous communities have observed changes in wetland-dependent wildlife populations.
Muskrats depend on open water habitats with shallow water conditions. Image source: CheepShot via Flickr Creative Commons (copyright-free).
Participants from Fort McPherson and Aklavik who trapped in the upper Delta between these two communities (n = 11) described how muskrats have largely disappeared from this area in the last 5-10 years,
The overall coverage of wetlands in the Peel sub-basin is likely small (estimated 1%, see Land Cover statistics, supported by an independent estimate of 0.8%). Many wetlands on the Peel Plateau are “perched” near rivers carved in the plateau, providing valuable staging and stop-over sites for the waterfowl migratory pathway for birds traveling east or west between the Yukon and Mackenzie river basins. Examples of such wetlands are Turner Lakes, Jackfish Lakes, Tabor Lakes, and Chappie Lakes. A Canadian Wetland inventory completed recently indicates more wetland land cover than that estimated by land cover mapping cited above, but is still under development and requires field-validation.
Wetland Mapping for Peel Sub-basin as part of a Canadian Wetland Inventory that still requires validation*.
Health & Wellbeing