  • b

  • An approach, supported by the SOAER JSC, that guided the consideration of science and IK in this report. Please see the about for more information.
  • i

  • A broad system of knowledge and ways of knowing in Indigenous culture - largely based on oberservations and oral communciation
  • j

  • The overall steering committee for the SOAER Project made up of both the SOAER and the TKSP Committees
  • m

  • The largest River draingage basin in Canada. The MRB includes parts of 5 provinces and territories, and drains into the Arctic Ocean
  • A multi-jurisdictional water governance board. Please see the About page for more information. Visit the MRBB Website
  • An agreement signed in 1997 between the governments of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Northwest Territories, Yukon and Canada to promote the cooperative management of transboundary water across the MRB.
  • s

  • Signs and Signals in this report are the categories used to assess the Aquatic Ecosystem Health of each indicator (Water Quantity, Water Quality, Habitat and Species, Health and Wellbeing). Each sign and signal describes data and information, as outlined in the Conceptual Framework that underlies this report.
  • The MRBB has a duty to report on the state of the aquatic ecosystem every five years. Please see the About page for more information
  • A geographic area within a larger drainage basin typically deliniated by a tributary draingage area. In this report, the sub-bain boundaries are roughly based on hydrology and could be considered sub-regions.
  • t

  • A Committee established under the MRBB to provide guidance on Indigenous content and participation
  • Water that flows across political boundaries