The Mackenzie River Basin Board (MRBB) is pleased to share the 2021 State of the Aquatic Ecosystem Report (SOAER) for the Mackenzie River Basin. The MRBB has a duty to report on the state of the aquatic ecosystem, and past reports can be found on the MRBB website. The 2021 SOAER includes science and Indigenous Knowledge. MRBB members did not want to privilege one way of knowing over another, and so, endorsed the concept of braiding knowledge to guide the consideration of science and Indigenous Knowledge in this report. Please see the About page for more information.
Four indicators are included in the 2021 SOAER. They are water quality, water quantity, habitat and species, and health and well-being. Details on the assessment of each indicator are included in the methodology section of the About page. Indicator summaries can be found on each sub-basin page while an overall basin wide assessment is shared on the MRB Overview page.
This site will be updated periodically and the content and assessment will evolve over time. The MRBB acknowledges that important pieces of information may have been missed, and that some aspects of aquatic ecosystem health are not be included in the 2021 SOAER. Please contact the MRBB Secretariat (ec.cbm-mrbb.ec@canada.ca) if you have questions or concerns.
Sub-basins of the Mackenzie River Basin